First Line Friday: June 18, 2021

It is First Line Friday! Welcome and let’s get writing. Below, I give you the first line, and you all get to write the rest. This prompt alternates …

First Line Friday: June 18, 2021

The cafe began to feel like her only real home.

This was where many gathered in their personal world to work toward the goal of realising their dreams together. Be it writing a book, talking to a potential client, or meeting a blind date, many came to this cafe full of hope to fulfill their dreams.

She always enjoyed sitting at one corner to look at these people putting in their time and effort. Their determination was so commendable it almost touched her heart and inspired her to apply herself too.


Oh, she could not wait to bask in the stench of misery and disappointment when they failed and fell, the queen of dark world, Lilith, snickered.